About The Arts Programme


The Arts Programme

The Arts Programme has been established to create a high-quality arts and cultural offer which all children in care across the West Midlands can access, so that they can develop as learners, as people and as artists.

The programme is offered within local authorities, clusters and across the West Midlands region both virtually and in a wide range of experiences, activities and opportunities across the Arts.

There are 5 virtual school clusters across the West Midlands:

  • Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
  • Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall
  • Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire
  • Herefordshire and Worcestershire
  • Stoke and Staffordshire

Each cluster receives one arts event per term, plus a regional event per calendar year.

Previous events have included: Nail Art workshops, DJ workshops, Prosthetic Makeup workshops, trips to West End theatres, Filming workshops and Television Acting workshops.

Young people are able to experience the arts through interactive workshops and group trips supported by relevant staff and professionals deliverers. Children and young people are also able to gain a knowledge of employment pathways and roles across the creative Industries through question and answer sessions. Further qualifications may also be secured through the Arts Award.

Workshops and experiences in the creative industry are organised by Arts Coordinators, Lucy Key and Georgie Partridge. 

Lucy and Georgie work closely with arts ambassadors from each virtual school to ensure young people’s needs are being met whilst experiencing the most fulfilling and exciting opportunities possible.



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